Mid High & High School

suggested course schedules

This shows a typical year-long schedule by Grade for 6th-12th Grade.  Although different states might have varying specific requirements, this is a typical expected course schedule.  All courses in red type are offered by Rio Grande Enrichment Studies, LLC.  All courses in blue type are currently being developed by Rio Grande Enrichment Studies, LLC. 

Mid High Suggested Schedule

A typical Mid High program has 6 classes each year.

Choose one additional suggested course for each semester:

Art Sports

Music Musical Instrument

At any time during the Mid High or High School years, your student should take: 

1 semester of Health and Fitness

1 year of Grammar

These two courses count for High School credit. 

All Mid High History, Science, and Literature courses may be taken any year. The History and Literature courses align more closely when taken in the order indicated above.

high school Suggested Schedule

Most High School Programs require 23-24 credits. Each credit is a one-year course.

Additional Elective Courses suggested for each year or semester

Art Creative Writing

Music Computer Skills



All History, Science, and Literature classes may be taken in any year of High School, although the order above is most often recommended for Science because of the Math skills required. 

Geometry may be taken before Algebra 1 or between Algebra 1 and Algebra 2.  For High School graduation, at least three Math courses are required, one being Algebra 2.  Pre-Algebra also counts as a High School Math credit and may be taken in 8th Grade or High School.  For students who want to focus on Science or technical studies in college, it is recommended that they take at least through Pre-Calculus. 

Generally, two years of Foreign Language are required. 

For New Mexico Residents, a ½ year credit should be taken in New Mexico History.